Познакомлюсь с успешным мужчиной

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не в сети 1 месяц


Комментарии: 1Публикации: 1592Регистрация: 22-07-2016

1 thought on “Познакомлюсь с успешным мужчиной

  1. Hello Dear,

    I read your ad and I am really interested to meet or learn more about you. I am fit, well educated business person from America managing a company in Kyiv. It looks like you well educated and looking for a nice person — I find it very important in a person. I can help you financially (tell me how much you need), take traveling with me if you like it (I travel a lot for work), or experience other good things in life. Most importantly we can have great time together going out for walks, exercise, to restaurants, for wine and coffee (I like good coffee and wines), shopping, going on vacations or taking nice pictures (photography is my hobby, but I am very good at it). I also know so Russian, so you can write in Russian.

    I am a nice and reasonably successful person, and I am looking for a nice, fit and very pretty girl. You may be that person.

    Please write me if interested.

    Kind regards,

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